How to Get Rid of Fire Ants in Your Yard
Close-up image of a red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta
Fire ants are a headache for many people and pets. They have a nasty bite/sting that leaves a very painful and itchy blister on your skin. The itching can last for as long as a week and anyone who has experienced one doesn’t look forward to having more any time soon.
If you get enough bites— or if you are allergic to fire ant bites — these bites can be quite dangerous.
So most people want to know the best way to get rid of fire ants on their property. Especially around their homes and outdoor living areas.
Let’s talk about getting rid of fire ants as we answer some of your biggest questions:
Why are fire ants so hard to get rid of?
Types of fire ant killer
What is the best fire ant killer?
Is there a pet-safe ant killer?
What about professional fire ant killer?
How do professionals control fire ants?
What is a good comprehensive fire ant control plan?
Another option for fire ant control: consider planting fire ant-resistant plants
If you are curious about where fire ants come from, how they live, where they live, what they eat, or about their life cycle or other fire ant FAQs, check out our resource here. And if you are interested in natural ant repellers or homemade ant killer options, check out this post.
A large group of red fire ants swarming a rounded piece of concrete.
Why are fire ants so hard to get rid of?
Fire ants are particularly difficult to get rid of because of several main reasons.
Large fire ant colonies
Colonies tend to be extensive and deep. There can be up to half a million ants (or more) in one colony in a vast underground network of tunnels and chambers. It can be difficult to get ant poison to all of the ants. The tunnels can go 25 feet away from the mound underground.
Multiple queens per mound
Another issue is that you don’t just need to kill one queen ant to stop reproduction for that colony. There can be several dozen queens per nest.
Quick reproduction
Because fire ants can replenish their population rapidly, it can be difficult to keep their numbers down even with effective treatments. Queens can lay 800 to 1000 (or more) eggs per day.
Nest relocation
Fire ants are very good at relocating all of the eggs, larvae, and pupae when needed. You may drive the colony out of your yard but they might relocate into your neighbors’ yard and continue to be an issue for you.
Adaptability to food sources
Fire ants can move from one food source to another very easily. They can adapt to almost any environment if it’s not too cold in the area.
Resistance to insecticides
Fire ants have developed some amount of resistance to certain chemicals, meaning that it is harder and harder to get rid of them using the same methods.
For all of these reasons, effective fire ant control generally necessitates a comprehensive approach.
A fire ant mound in a grassy lawn in South Carolina.
Fire ant killer types
There are two major categories of options for killing fire ants when you are trying to decide on the best fire ant killer. Fire ant contact killers and fire ant baits. We’ll go into some detail below.
Fire ant contact killers
These products generally work to eliminate fire ant colonies by killing fire ants that come “in contact” with the insecticide. The ants ingest the poison and spread it to the rest of the colony and the queens, which kills the fire ant colony.
Examples of fire ant on-contact killers
Martin’s Surrender® Fire Ant Killer (acephate)
Ortho® Orthene fire ant killer (acephate)
Ortho® Fire Ant Killer Mound Treatment (bifenthrin)- dust or granules
Spectracide® Fire Ant Killer Granules (bifenthrin)
Fire ant bait
Fire ant baits contain bait insecticides that mix food with the insecticide. If and when the ants feed on the bait, they become poisoned.
There are fast-acting direct toxicants that can poison any stage of an ant in the life cycle. And there are insect growth regulators (IGRs) that act more slowly and are often less dangerous to the environment. Reinvasion by fire ants happens more slowly with this type than with contact insecticides.
Bait-formulated products can be applied in two ways:
Directly to the fire ants’ mounds.
Broadcast application across the entire yard.
When the fire ant powder is spread across the lawn, you can reach ants from all the colonies on your property. A fire ant yard treatment can impact many more ants than if you just treat fire ant mounds directly.
When choosing a fire ant killer powder or other treatment, you want to opt for something that will reach the fire ants’ queen, as well.
NOTE: Be sure to always follow all directions, precautions, and warnings when using any kind of insecticide or chemical product.
Common bait-formulated ant killers include:
Advion® Fire Ant Bait (indoxacarb)
Distance® Ant Bait (pyriproxyfen)
Extinguish® Fire Ant Bait (methoprene)
Ortho® Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Bait (spinosad)
Ortho® MAX Fire Ant Bait (hydramethylnon)
Ortho® Orthene Fire Ant Killer Mound Bait (acephate)
Each of these active ingredients has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Fire ant crawling on fire ant eggs - macro photo.
What is the best fire ant killer?
If you have fire ants in your yard, you probably don’t just want to repel them. So you have probably been googling all the most important terms with as much punch as possible like:
What kills fire ants?
Fire ants how to get rid of
How to kill fire ants
Kill fire ants
And you just want to know what will work! “Why is this so complicated? How do I get rid of fire ants in my yard, already?”
Let’s hit on some of the best fire ant killers on the market today then talk about some additional tips for how to get rid of fire ants forever. And we’ll talk about what kills fire ants quickly.
Some of the most popular fire ant killers
In 2023, here are the most popular fire ant killers. They are popular because they tend to be quite effective.
Amdro® fire ant killer (hydramethylnon)
Ortho® fire ant killer (bifenthrin)
Ortho® Home Defense Fire Ant Killer (bifenthrin)
Spectracide® (spinosad)
Raid® Ant & Roach Killer Aerosol Spray (imiprothrin and cypermethrin)
Terro® Liquid Ant Baits (borax)
The most effective fire ant treatment options belong in the professional-grade class of insecticides.
Extra tips for getting rid of fire ants
Treat the mounds with an appropriate insecticide according to the label directions.
Repeat the treatment as directed (usually in about 2 weeks).
Remove any tasty food sources in your yard like pet food, birdseed, fruit, etc…
Of course, if you have a severe infestation of fire ants or you just really want to be sure it’s done right, call in the professionals.
What kills fire ants immediately?
What kills fire ants instantly? The contact ant killers as we discussed above are your best bet for that. Dust insecticides are also pretty rapid-acting.
Baits usually take some time but can be quite effective in the long run.
A happy dog with brown and white short fur lying on a lush green lawn with bushes and a wooden fence in the background.
Is there a pet-safe fire ant killer?
If you have a red fire ant problem, but you also have dogs or cats in your yard — you’re interested in finding a fire ant killer safe for pets.
You can check with your veterinarian to be absolutely sure. And you can also check with your pest control company or landscaper to see what options they have available.
But some commonly accepted pet-friendly fire ant control methods include things like:
Organic/natural products like vinegar, essential oils, or EcoSmart.
Pet-safe insecticides like spinosad or diatomaceous earth (be sure to read the labels). Or check out professional-grade Advion Ant Gel.
Non-chemical fire ant control methods.
Professional landscaper getting ready to perform a pest control treatment for a beautifully landscaped lawn in front of a modern brick home.
What about professional fire ant killer?
Sometimes, the best way to kill fire ants is to bring in professionals. Either a pest control company or a landscaper near you can take care of your fire ant problem.
Professional fire ant killer chemicals are generally more concentrated than the kind consumers can buy over the counter. Or, they may have different active ingredients that are usually more effective.
Unfortunately, professional fire ant killers can be quite dangerous if not used properly. This is why the general public is not able to purchase them.
Some of the most common ingredients in the pros’ fire ant killers are fipronil, sodium lauryl sulfate, borax, methoprene, pyrethroids, and insect growth regulators (IGRs).
How do professionals control fire ants?
Not only do the pros have the best chemical fire ant killer at their disposal — they also have the know-how to take care of fire ants and your lawn.
At Boots On Enterprises, we like to use spectracide and triazicide for the best results. And we combine these treatments with overall pest and lawn management best practices.
Many professionals use a multi-faceted plan for fire ant control:
Specialized insecticides.
Baiting systems/mound drenches or mound treatments.
Inspections and monitoring.
Getting rid of any food sources.
Good lawn maintenance and landscaping practices.
Close-up image of fire ants on a branch.
What is a good comprehensive fire ant control plan?
For a solid fire ant control plan, you’ll need to use several approaches in combination.
Do a treatment of the ant mound with outdoor ant control products with broad-spectrum insecticides.
Remove any obvious food sources in your yard.
Clean up yard debris.
Repeat the treatment as directed.
Mint plants growing in the sunlight.
Another option for fire ant control: consider planting fire ant-resistant plants
The following plants won’t kill fire ants on your property, but they may help to repel fire ants and make your yard less attractive to them.
You can plant some of these yourself or ask your favorite local landscaping company for recommendations and help with installing fire ant-resistant landscaping plants.
Got a problem with fire ants in South Carolina?
Fire ants in SC can be a big headache. If you are tired of spending a lot of time and money without getting the results you want, professional ant control might be the best solution.
At Boots On Enterprises, we can determine the best fire ant killer needed for your yard consider any concerns you may have about the safety of your pets or children.
We can also take care of your landscaping, tree service, and hardscaping needs. No job is too big or too small.
Contact us today for a FREE estimate.
Phone: 803-521-4978
Next-day and same-week service is available.