Lawn, Lawn Care, Outdoor Living, Ants, Fire Ants Design by Trevett's Lawn, Lawn Care, Outdoor Living, Ants, Fire Ants Design by Trevett's

Homemade Fire Ant Killer: Do 11 Popular Home Remedies Kill Ants?

You’re just walking through your backyard, trying to enjoy a game of catch with your kids. When you realize there are some terrifying red mounds rising up from the grass, dotting the yard. You begin to lose concentration on playing with your children because you are worried that you — or your kids — are about to be attacked by those aggressive little red fire ants and have your entire day ruined.

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Lawn, Lawn Care, Outdoor Living, Ants, Fire Ants Design by Trevett's Lawn, Lawn Care, Outdoor Living, Ants, Fire Ants Design by Trevett's

How to Get Rid of Fire Ants in Your Yard

Fire ants are a headache for many people and pets. They have a nasty bite/sting that leaves a very painful and itchy blister on your skin. The itching can last for as long as a week and anyone who has experienced one doesn’t look forward to having more any time soon.

If you get enough bites— or if you are allergic to fire ant bites — these bites can be quite dangerous.

So most people want to know the best way to get rid of fire ants on their property. Especially around their homes and outdoor living areas.

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Lawn, Lawn Care, Outdoor Living, Ants, Fire Ants Design by Trevett's Lawn, Lawn Care, Outdoor Living, Ants, Fire Ants Design by Trevett's

Fire Ant Facts — Your Most Burning Questions Answered

If you have recently moved from the north to the southern United States, you may be shocked to see all of these fire ant mounds all over the place. In fact, you may not even know what they are. Until you accidentally step in one and then seemingly the entire ant colony swarms your feet and legs and bite you all at once.

It’s not a fun experience —to be bitten by one fire ant, much less a lot of fire ants. Most of us who live in the South try to avoid them like the plague.

But maybe you are curious about these little invaders and their hidden lives.

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